The AFFORDABLE difference

Our Commitment to You:

At Affordable Auto, we’re more than just a dealership—we’re your partners in driving toward a brighter future. Founded in 2013 with hundreds of happy customers just like YOU, who have experienced life change because of our In-House financing!

Discover a pressure-free environment where affordability meets trust, and every customer is given a chance to qualify for financing. For over a decade, we’ve been changing lives, one at a time, by providing reliable vehicles and innovative financing solutions.


Why Choose Affordable Auto: Because we are a company with values!

  • Affordability: Your journey with us begins with options that fit your budget.
  • Pressure-Free Experience: No high-pressure sales tactics—just a welcoming environment for you to make informed decisions.
  • Confidence: Drive with confidence, knowing you’re backed by a team dedicated to your success.
  • Trust: We prioritize transparency and trust, ensuring you have a clear understanding of every step in the process.
  • Creativity: Explore innovative financing solutions tailored to your unique situation.
  • Gratitude: We’re grateful for the opportunity to be the vehicle of change in your life.


Explore our resources on responsible credit management, and learn how making timely payments on your car loan can contribute to a healthier credit score.
Our team is dedicated to providing insights and advice on smart financial habits that go hand-in-hand with your car ownership experience.

Timely car payments are essential for maintaining a positive credit history, which, in turn, influences your ability to secure favorable interest rates and financial opportunities. Consistent, on-time payments not only build trust with your lender but also prevent the accrual of late fees, contributing to overall financial stability. In short, paying your car loan on time is a key step in establishing a strong credit foundation and ensuring a more secure and advantageous financial future.

Improving credit is a gradual process that requires discipline and consistency. Here are some steps a customer can take to enhance their credit:

  1. Check and Understand Your Credit Report:
    Obtain a free copy of your credit report from each of the major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, TransUnion) and review it for errors or inaccuracies.
  1. Make Timely Payments:Pay all bills, including credit cards, loans, and utility bills, on time. Timely payments have a significant positive impact on your credit score.
  1. Reduce Credit Card Balances:Aim to keep credit card balances low relative to your credit limit. High credit card balances can negatively affect your credit utilization ratio, a key factor in credit scoring.
  1. Avoid Opening Unnecessary Credit Accounts:Opening multiple new credit accounts within a short period can lower your average account age and potentially hurt your credit score.
  1. Diversify Credit Types:Having a mix of credit types, such as credit cards, installment loans, and retail accounts, can positively influence your credit score.
  1. Set Up Payment Reminders:Use reminders or automatic payments to ensure you never miss a due date. Consistency in payment history is crucial for credit improvement.
  1. Negotiate With Creditors:If you’re struggling with payments, consider contacting your creditors to discuss options such as payment plans or temporary hardship programs.
  1. Pay Off Collections and Charge-Offs:If you have outstanding collections or charge-offs, work towards paying them off. While they stay on your report, their impact diminishes over time.
  1. Become an Authorized User:If possible, become an authorized user on someone else’s credit card with a positive payment history. This can help boost your credit.
  1. Seek Professional Advice:Consider consulting with a credit counseling agency for personalized guidance on improving your credit. They can provide valuable insights and assistance.
  1. Practice Patience:Building or rebuilding credit takes time. Be patient and stay committed to positive financial habits.

Remember, there’s no quick fix for credit improvement, and it requires consistent effort over time. Regularly monitor your credit report, make responsible financial decisions, and you’ll likely see positive changes in your credit score.

In a simple interest loan, interest accrues on the principal amount over time based on the rate specified in the loan agreement. The formula for calculating simple interest is:

Simple Interest = {Principal} x {Rate} x {Time}
– **Principal: The initial amount of money borrowed or invested.
– **Rate: The annual interest rate, expressed as a decimal.
– **Time: The time the money is borrowed or invested, typically in years.

The interest accrues linearly over time, meaning it accumulates at a constant rate. Unlike compound interest, which is calculated on both the initial principal and the accumulated interest, simple interest is calculated only on the original principal.

For example, if you borrow $1,000 at a simple annual interest rate of 5% for two years:
Simple Interest = $1,000 \times 0.05 \times 2 = $100

After the first year, you would have accrued $50 in interest, and after the second year, an additional $50 would be added, resulting in a total interest of $100.
It’s important to note that in a simple interest loan, the interest amount remains constant each year, and the total amount repaid is the sum of the principal and the accrued interest.

If a customer wrecks a car that still has a loan, several key considerations come into play. Here’s a general overview of what typically happens in such a situation:


  1. Insurance Coverage:The first and foremost step is to assess the insurance coverage on the vehicle. If the customer has comprehensive and collision coverage, these coverages may help with the costs associated with repairing or replacing the damaged vehicle.
  1. Determination of Total Loss:If the cost of repairing the vehicle exceeds a certain threshold (often a percentage of the car’s actual cash value), the insurance company may declare the car a total loss. In such cases, the insurance company typically pays the actual cash value of the car at the time of the accident, minus the deductible. The deductible is the amount the customer is liable to pay.
  1. Insurance Payout:The insurance payout is sent to the lienholder (the lender that provided the car loan) to pay off the outstanding loan balance. If the insurance payout exceeds the remaining loan balance, the remaining amount is provided to the car owner.
  1. Loan Repayment:If the insurance payout is insufficient to cover the remaining loan balance, the car owner is responsible for paying the remaining amount out of pocket or continuing payments. Some  policies may offer gap coverage, which covers the difference between the insurance payout and the remaining loan balance. Keeping the customer from paying the balance after a wreck.
  1. Gap Insurance:Customers who owe more on their car loan than the insurance company will insure it for may have purchased gap insurance. Gap insurance covers the difference between the insurance payout and the remaining loan balance, helping the customer avoid out-of-pocket expenses.  Gap only applies AFTER the insurance payout and therefore insurance must be valid for gap to work.